
Test Certification
The service is providing a document issued by our Authorized Service & Calibration Center, identifying that your Product/s has or have successfully passed all Tests.
Accuracy Certification
The service is providing a document issued by our Authorized Service & Calibration Center, identifying that your Product/s has or have successfully passed Accuracy Test, it only applies on specific models that are not complying to have Test Certificates.
Calibration Certification
The service is providing a document issued by our Authorized Service & Calibration Center, that contains information about a device's calibration providing valuable information on the quality and measurement accuracy of the device.
Product Condition Check
The service is providing a document issued by our Authorized Service & Calibration Center, that identifies condition of the device or the equipment, stating whether still valid for further repairs or not valid. And in the event of validity, and repairs required, then defines in detail what exact repairs needed and repair Leadtime.
Product Repair
The service is providing damaged, broken, or not correctly working devices and equipment back into good condition or make it work again. It applies to all Warranty Products, After Warranty Products and No Warranty Products.